GTA In Mod Is A Very Special Game, Because it very happened

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Dark Rasengan Shuriken

lazuardym : rasen.ifp maker,dark texture rasenshuriken Cleo script editor
ADVDI :Rasen shuriken script
J16D : Rasengan core skin

1.) move rasenshuriken.cs and mp3 folder to X:\GTA San Andreas\CLEO
2.) ADD rasens.ifp To GTA3.img in X:\GTA San andreas\models
3.) Replace effectsPC.txd and effects.fxp to X:\GTA San andreas\models
4.) Replace beachball.dff and beachball.txd to gta3.img

(how to add rasens.ifp to gta3.img? Use IMGtools Very Happy)


How To Use Mod :

1.) for activated, press on your keyboard "S+R"

mediafire password : lazuardym


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